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Dr. Toran Hansen: Recent Accomplishments

Dr. Toran Hansen: Recent Accomplishments

Dr. Hansen is a dynamic practitioner and scholar in the twin fields of conflict resolution and peace studies. He has been a very active conflict resolution practitioner, particularly with vulnerable, disadvantaged individuals and groups. He is currently on the board of directors for the Perspectives of Freedom Foundation, which conducts development and conflict resolution work in Central and South America, as well as the West Virginia Center for Peace and Conflict. He has previously conducted conflict resolution workshops with diverse natural resource conflict stakeholders in Suriname. In addition, Dr. Hansen has conducted workshops for at-risk youth and developed anti-racism training materials for community organizations. Dr. Hansen has also been a restorative justice dialogue facilitator in criminal cases involving severe violence with juvenile and adult offenders.

He has published numerous articles in scholarly journals and book chapters. Some of the varied topics that he has published on are: peace, restorative justice, transitional justice, research in conflict resolution, facilitating inter-organizational networks, social movements, social capital, and social movements. Some of the concepts and theories originated by Dr. Hansen include: the generalist approach to conflict resolution, the theory of differences in conflict, holistic peace, evidence-based practice in conflict resolution, and critical conflict resolution theory and practice.

Below is a partial list of some recent publications:

Hansen, Toran. (Forthcoming). Evidence-Based Conflict Management Practice. Journal of Conflict Management.

Umbreit, Mark, & Hansen, Toran. (Forthcoming). Victim-Offender Mediation: A Humanistic Approach. The Handbook of Mediation.

Hansen, Toran. 2016. Holistic Peace. Peace Review. 28:2, 212-219.

Hansen, Toran. 2014. Assessing “Effectiveness” and Contemplating “Justice”: Employing Case Studies to Inform an African American Truth and Reconciliation Process. Crimes Against Humanity in the Land of the Free: Can a Truth and Reconciliation Process Can Heal Racial Conflict in America? Imani Michelle Scott (ed.). Denver, CO: Praeger.

Hansen, Toran. 2014. The Virtuous Cycle of Social Support and Trust in Network Facilitation. Group Facilitation: A Research and Applications Journal. 13. 4-14.

Hansen, Toran. 2013. The Generalist Approach to Conflict Resolution: A Guidebook. New York: Lexington Books.

Hansen, Toran. 2012. Engaging Social Movements in Conflict Transformation. In Conflict Resolution and the Scholarship of Engagement. Cheryl Duckworth (ed.). Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Press.

Hansen, Toran. 2012. Network Facilitation and Social Capital. Peace and Conflict Studies. 19:2. 164-192.

Hansen, Toran. 2009. Applying Social Network Theory and Analysis in the Struggle for Social Justice. Peace Research: The Canadian Journal of Peace and Conflict Studies. 41:1. 5-43.

Hansen, Toran. 2008. Critical Conflict Resolution Theory and Practice. Conflict Resolution Quarterly. 24:4. 403-428.


Toran Hanson, PhD
Assistant Professor
Conflict Analysis & Dispute Resolution
Salisbury University
Hollywood Hall, Room 106
1101 Camden Avenue
Salisbury, MD 21801-6860
Tel. 410.543.6253

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