Polkinghorn, Brian and Anthony Yost. (2015) “Success and Failure of International Mediation: Examining Causes and Conditions that Impede or Assist Process Success” in Alexia Georgakopoulos (Editor). The Handbook of Mediation: Theory, Research and Practice. Publisher not known. (Forthcoming)
Polkinghorn, Brian and Thomas E. Boudreau (Editors) Advances in International Law and Jurisprudence: New Roles for the Judiciary? Australia:Elias-Clark Publishing. (Forthcoming)
Polkinghorn, Brian and Abraham (Avi) Mozes Carmel. (2014) "Success in Conflict Intervention is What We Make of it but Significance is the Goal" International Journal of Conflict Engagement and Resolution. Volume 2, Issue 1, pp. 53-58.
Polkinghorn, Brian and Susan Maishlish, "The Application of the Multi-Track Diplomacy Model to Conflict Tourism" United Nations Conference on Tourism, Kampala Uganda, July 2013.
Polkinghorn, Brian and Pranaya SJB Rana, Op-Ed "Way out of Constitutional Crisis" Republica (National English Language Newspaper of Nepal) May 5, 2013
Polkinghorn, Brian (2012). Co-Guest Editor. The Journal Jurisprudence. Volume 15, Summer, September.
Polkinghorn, Brian (2012). "Reflections on a Revolution in International Law: Trends and the Second Bounce of the Ball." The Journal Jurisprudence, Volume 15, Summer, September, pp. 473-484.
Polkinghorn, Brian and Pranaya Rana (2012) "Dealing with the After Party Clean Up: The Not so Glamorous Task of Implementing and Enforcing the Delhi Pact in Nepal" Alaska Journal of Conflict Resolution, Volume 2012, Number 1, pp. 27-58.
Anderson, Larry and Brian Polkinghorn. (2011). “Managing Conflict in Construction Megaprojects: Leadership and Third Party Principles” Reprint for May 2011 Special Online Issue of Conflict Resolution Quarterly.
Anderson, Larry and Brian Polkinghorn. (2011) “Efficacy of Partnering on the Woodrow Wilson Bridge Project: Empirical Evidence of Collaborative Problem-Solving Benefits” American Society of Civil Engineers Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, Volume 3, Number 1, pp.17-27.
Polkinghorn, Brian and Thomas Boudreau. “Unilateral Peace Initiatives” The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace. Oxford: Oxford University Press (2010). Council of the Conflict Research Society (CRS) "Book of the Year 2010." Winner of the "Dayton Literary Peace Prize for Scholarship" (2011).
Polkinghorn, Brian. “Alternative Dispute Resolution Processes” The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace. Oxford: Oxford University Press (2010). Council of the Conflict Research Society (CRS) "Book of the Year 2010." Winner of the "Dayton Literary Peace Prize for Scholarship" (2011).
Polkinghorn, Brian and Thomas Boudreau. “Basic Human Needs” The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace. Oxford: Oxford University Press (2010). Council of the Conflict Research Society (CRS) "Book of the Year 2010" (2010). Winner of the "Dayton Literary Peace Prize for Scholarship" (2011).
Boudreau, Thomas and Brian Polkinghorn. “Collective Security” The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace. Oxford: Oxford University Press (2010). Council of the Conflict Research Society (CRS) "Book of the Year 2010" (2010). Winner of the "Dayton Literary Peace Prize for Scholarship" (2011).
Carr, Frank and Brian Polkinghorn. (2009). “Partnering With Mediation: A Management Best Practices Tool” Iranian Bar Association Union. (
Anderson, Larry and Brian Polkinghorn. (2008). “Managing Conflict in Construction Megaprojects: Leadership and Third Party Principles” Conflict Resolution Quarterly Volume 26, Number 2, pp. 167-198, Winter.
Anderson, Larry and Brian Polkinghorn. “Partnering to Reduce Conflict: Leadership Lessons from the Woodrow Wilson Bridge” Virginia ADR: The Newsletter of the Virginia Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee, pp. 2-6, Volume VII, Number 1, Winter 2008.
Polkinghorn, Brian, Haleigh La Chance and Robert La Chance. (2008). “Constructing a Baseline Understanding of Graduate Conflict Resolution Programs” Chapter 9 in Research in Social Movements, Conflict and Change, Volume 29, pp. 233-265.
Boudreau, Thomas and Brian Polkinghorn. (2008). “Reversing the Destructive Discourses of Dehumanization: A Model for Reframing Narratives in Protracted Social Conflict Through Identity Affirmation” Chapter 7 in Research in Social Movements, Conflict and Change, Volume 29, pp. 175-205.
Polkinghorn, Brian (2008). “How to Build a Conflict Resolution Program” in book edited by Mitch Rosenthal. One Paradigm, Many Worlds: Conflict Resolution across the Disciplines. pp. 93-106. Newcastle-upon-Avon, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Polkinghorn, Brian, Haleigh La Chance and Robert La Chance (2007). “A Panoramic View of Graduate Alternative Dispute Resolution and Conflict Resolution Programs in the United States” ACR Magazine: The Quarterly Magazine of the Association for Conflict Resolution, pp. 32-35, Fall-Winter issue.
Polkinghorn, Brian and Thomas Boudreau. (2007). “Bones of Contention: Applying an Identity Affirmation Conflict Reduction Model to a Case Study of Repatriating of Ancestral Remains” Race, Gender and Society, Vol. 13, Issues 3-4, pp. 143-161.
Polkinghorn, Brian. “Nobel Prize Winner and Global Statesman F.W. de Klerk at SU April 9” Business Journal, Vol. 10, No. 8 (2007) p.21.
Carr, Frank and Brian Polkinghorn. (2006). “Partnering With Mediation: A Management Best Practices Tool” International Bar Association Newsletter.
Polkinghorn, Brian, Robert La Chance and Haleigh La Chance. (2006). “An Analysis of the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration’s Partnering Program and Process.” Maryland Department of Transportation, State Highway Administration. (Received a Public Service Award)
Hedeen, Timothy and Brian Polkinghorn (2006). “The Evolution of Community Mediation in the United States: A Continuing Process of Adaptation” ACR Magazine: The Quarterly Magazine of the Association for Conflict Resolution. Winter, pp. 8-9
Polkinghorn, Brian and E. Patrick McDermott. (2006). “Applying the Comprehensive Model to Workplace Mediation Research” pp. 148-174. Chapter in Herrman, Margaret (editor). The Blackwell Handbook of Mediation: A Guide to Effective Negotiation. New York: Blackwell.
Polkinghorn, Brian (2004). “The Super Mediator: A Different Approach” Guest Editorial in MACROSCOPE: Newsletter of the Maryland Mediation and Conflict Resolution Office.
Polkinghorn, Brian (2004). “Beyond the Books: Students Span the Globe Resolving Conflicts.” SU Magazine (A Publication for Salisbury University Alumni and Friends). pp. 11-12.
Byrne, Sean, Brian Polkinghorn and Colleen McLeod. (2004). “University Students from Four Ethnopolitical Conflict Zones: An Exploratory Study of Perceptions of Self and Country.” Peace and Conflict Studies, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 13-34.
Polkinghorn, Brian. (2004). “Standing on the Shoulders of Good Ideas: The Salisbury University Experiment.” The Fourth R: The Quarterly Newsletter of the Education Section of the Association for Conflict Resolution. Spring-Summer, pp.13-14.
Polkinghorn, Brian and Jeanmarie Pinto. (2002). “In Different Tongues: Making Room for Cultural Differences in the
Negotiated Rulemaking Process.” International Negotiation: A Journal of Theory and Practice, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 209-233.
Polkinghorn, Brian. (2002). “Evaluation Summit Spurs Statewide Collaboration” in MACROSCOPE: Newsletter of the Maryland Mediation and Conflict Resolution Office, Issue 2, September.
McDermott, E. Patrick, Anita Jose, Ruth Obar, Brian Polkinghorn and Molly Bowers. (2002). “Has the EEOC Hit a Home Run? An Evaluation of the EEOC Mediation Program from the Participants’ Perspective” Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations, Vol. 11, pp. 1-40. Oxford-Elsevier Press – JAI.
Polkinghorn, Brian and Sean Byrne. (2001) “Between War and Peace: An Examination of Conflict Behavior in Four Ethnic Conflict Zones,” International Journal of Conflict Management Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 23-46.
Andersen, C. Brannon, William Worthen and Brian Polkinghorn. (2001). “Humanism in the Environmental Sciences: A Reevaluation” Journal of College Science Teaching, Volume 31, Number 3, November 2001, pp. 202-207.
Polkinghorn, Brian and Ron Chenail. (2000). “Current Trends in Graduate ADR Programs: Preliminary Findings,” Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Vol. 1, No. 2, March/April. (
Polkinghorn, Brian (2000). “Tapping into Spirituality: A Non-Violent Approach to Structural Violence in South Africa as Told by Archbishops Desmond Tutu and Denis Hurley.” The Journal of Practical Dispute Resolution, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2000, pp 29-43.
Byrne, Sean; Cynthia Irving, Paul Dixon, Brian Polkinghorn and Jessica Senehi. (Eds.) (2000). Reconcilable Differences: Turning Points in Ethnopolitical Conflict. New York: Kumarian Press.
Polkinghorn, Brian. (2000). “The Social Origins of Environmental Resource Conflict: Exposing the Roots of Tangible Disputes,” pp. 79 -95 in Byrne, Sean; Cynthia Irving; Paul Dixon; Brian Polkinghorn and Jessica Senehi (Eds.) Reconcilable Differences: Turning Points in Ethnopolitical Conflict, New York: Kumarian Press.
Polkinghorn, Brian. (2000). “Identity Politics And Environmental Conflict Dynamics: A Reexamination Of The Negotiated Rulemaking Process,” pp. 149 -167 in Social Conflict and Collective Identity, Pat Coy and Lynne Woehrle et al (editors) Rowman and Littlefield.
Polkinghorn, Brian. (2000). “A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Managing and Resolving Environmental Conflicts,” pp. 64-78 in Frodeman, Robert (editor) Earth Matters: The Earth Sciences, Philosophy, and the Claims of Community. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Polkinghorn, Brian. (1999). “Breaking the Cycle of Protracted Violence in South Africa: Excerpts and Ruminations from an Interview with Archbishop Desmond Tutu,” The International Journal of Humanities and Peace, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 80-83.
Polkinghorn, Brian. (1999). “Further Findings on the Use of Negotiated Rulemaking at the United States Environmental Protection Agency,” The Journal of Practical Dispute Resolution Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 33-45.
Polkinghorn, Brian. (1998). “History Held Hostage: Lessons Learned from the Conflict over the Smithsonian Institution’s Enola Gay Exhibit,” Peace and Conflict Studies: The Network Journal in Peace and Conflict Studies, Vol. 5, No. 2, December, pp. 63-100.
Polkinghorn, Brian. (1998). “An Examination of Current Trends in Graduate Alternative Dispute Resolution Programs,” Alternative, Vol. 16, No. 8, September, pp. 115-121.
Polkinghorn, Brian. (1997). “The Chemistry of Conflict in Mostar,” Peace Studies Association News, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 1-2. Fall/Winter. Reprinted in Nonviolence Action, Indiana University, 1998.
Andersen, C. Brannon and Brian Polkinghorn. (1996). “Geology as a Social Science: Addressing the Complexity of Human Habits and Values in Water Quality Conflicts,” Invited Paper, Geological Society of America Today: A Publication of the Geological Society of America, Vol. 6, No. 4, April, pp. 36-38.
Polkinghorn, Brian. (1996). “ADR and the Transformation of Regulatory and Policy Decision Making at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Examining Interpretations and Attitudes Toward Negotiating with the Public,” 23rd Annual SPIDR Conference Proceedings.
Polkinghorn, Brian. (1995). “Re-presenting the Atomic Bomb: August 1945 -- August 1995,” Peace Studies Association News, Vol. 1, No. 2 Spring/Summer 1995.