LECTURE EVENT: Arun Gandhi Speaking at Salisbury University

LECTURE EVENT: Arun Gandhi Speaking at Salisbury University

Dr. Arun Gandhi, grandson of Mahatma Gandhi, will deliver a lecture on his latest book entitled, "The Gift of Anger" on Wednesday evening at 7:00PM on May 2, 2018. Open to the Public. Mark your Calendars -- Hope to see you all there! Where: Salisbury University Academic Commons 4th Floor Assembly Hall [huge_it_maps id="4"]    
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NEW BOOK RELEASE: Conflict Resolution: An Introduction to Third Party Intervention

NEW BOOK RELEASE: Conflict Resolution: An Introduction to Third Party Intervention

By Salisbury University's Conflict Analysis and Dispute Resolution Professor, Dr. S. I. Keethaponcalan. This book delivers exactly what the title suggests. In one book the reader, be it a student, scholar or general audience member, can easily obtain a clear, comprehensive and approachable introduction to a wide range of third party intervention roles. For the more advanced reader there are plenty of nuanced insights, that can only come from a highly experienced intervener, that examine the conditions and circumstances where intervention processes are likely to be more effective in the resolution of conflict. This book is for anyone who wants…
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NEW BOOK RELEASE: The Gift of Anger

NEW BOOK RELEASE: The Gift of Anger

Discover ten vital and extraordinary life lessons from one of the most important and influential philosophers and peace activists of the twentieth century—Mahatma Gandhi—in this poignant and timely exploration of the true path from anger to peace, as recounted by Gandhi’s grandson, Arun Gandhi. In the current troubled climate, in our country and in the world, these lessons are needed more than ever before. “We should not be ashamed of anger. It’s a very good and a very powerful thing that motivates us. But what we need to be ashamed of is the way we abuse it.” —Mahatma Gandhi Arun…
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NEW BOOK RELEASE: A New Pathway to World Peace

NEW BOOK RELEASE: A New Pathway to World Peace

A new book co-authored by the Bosserman Center for Conflict Resolution, Dr. Brian Polkinghorn! Horrific changes are descending upon humanity, most of them man-made, all of them threatening the survival of humankind on Mother Earth. Forever wars, the threat of nuclear destruction, the ecology collapsing worldwide, swelling waves of migrants, and unprecedented global inequality of wealth are upon us. The dominant, modern worldview prevailing for many centuries has produced all the above and needs swift and radical change. Central to this unfolding tragedy stands the United States, boasting its "exceptionality." Alexis de Tocqueville's Democracy in America coined and defined how…
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Advances in International Law and Jurisprudence

Advances in International Law and Jurisprudence

A new book edited by Dr. Thomas Boudreau (Salisbury University), Dr. Juan Carlos Sainz-Borgo (University for Peace) and Dr. Brian Polkinghorn (Salisbury University). About Advances in International Law and Jurisprudence: Enhancing the Role of the Judiciary in the Rule of Law (Oct. 2017) "Due to the agony and horrors of World War II, the Allied governments made solemn promises to their own and other peoples concerning self-determination, the creation of a United Nations and prosecuting war criminals that resulted, as argued in this book, a fiduciary Law of Nations common to humanity. Since these promises and wartime declarations were created…
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New Research Project: The Impact of Partnering on Construction Projects in Airport Facilities

New Research Project: The Impact of Partnering on Construction Projects in Airport Facilities

The Center for Conflict Resolution is working on a National Academy of Science - Airport Cooperative Research Program contract with a team of researchers from the Construction Management Program at Michigan State University. The project is headed by Associate Professor and Principal Investigator Dr. Sinem Mollaoglu along with team members Dr. Angelo Garcia and Mr. Harshavardhan Vijay Kalbhor. Dr. Brian Polkinghorn (Co-Principal Investigator) and a group of industry experts fill out the team that is conducting research on the impact of partnering on construction projects in airport facilities. The objective of this $350K research project is to develop guidelines on…
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Snow Hill High School Begins Another Year with Peer Mediation

Snow Hill High School Begins Another Year with Peer Mediation

The Bosserman Center begins training peer mediators at Snow Hill High School in Snow Hill, Maryland. Trainers Alexandra Ginta-Martin, Brittany Kesteven, and Abigail Hastings along with Dr. Brian Polkinghorn and Jacquie Granger meet with the five seniors peer mediators, Jordan, Zack, Laurin, Pilar and Ayanna to train them on the fundamentals for performing peer mediation at their high school. The team has two faculty advisers: Jennifer Silas from the school's media center and Guidance Counselor, Rose Dolinger. Last year's former seniors at Snow Hill High School successfully conducted over twenty mediation sessions in this program.
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Bosserman Center is now on Facebook!

Bosserman Center is now on Facebook!

Yes, the Bosserman Center for Conflict Resolution now has a presence on Facebook. Please like us and follow us on our Facebook page! We can always use more fans interested in the work we do and how we're working to make the world a more peaceful place to be. Also, don't forget we're at the following social media pages as well. Please follow us everywhere! Twitter YouTube Google+  
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SU honors Irina Bokova, Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), with its President’s Medal for leadership and service Thursday, April 6. The presentation coincides with her appearance as part of the “One Person Can Make a Difference” lecture series, hosted by Salisbury University’s Bosserman Center for Conflict Resolution. Her talk, “Preventing Violent Extremism in the 21st Century: Fostering a New Generation of Global Citizens,” is 5 p.m. (please note new time) in the Patricia R. Guerrieri Academic Commons Assembly Hall. A reception follows on the hall’s balcony. The first female and first southeastern European to…
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