Senior Research Associate
Matthew Swiderski received his Master of Arts and Bachelor of Arts from Salisbury University in Conflict Analysis and Dispute Resolution. He began volunteering at the Bosserman Center in 2011, working to develop a database strictly dedicated to mediation articles. Since, Swiderski has aided the center in a number of projects. Recently he co-authored a chapter with Dr. Polkinghorn, titled “Success and Failure of International Mediation: Examining Causes and Conditions that Impede or Assist Process Success.” The chapter is featured in The Handbook of Mediation: Theory, Research, and Practice.
As a graduate research assistant, he worked on the Maryland ADR Statewide Research Project. The project aimed to study the role of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) throughout the state of Maryland. Swiderski serves as a Graduate Fellow for the Institute of Public Affairs and Civic Engagement (PACE) and previously served as a graduate assistant for the organization. PACE is a non-partisan campus organization committed to undergraduate learning that sparks interest in public affairs and civic engagement. Currently, Swiderski is working on a political discourse series regarding the presidential election and previously was pivotal in the institute’s Civic Engagement Across the Curriculum Program.
He has published scholarly work on international conflict resolution and continues to write on international relations, mediation in society, post-colonialism, surf culture, and environmental conflict resolution. He has served as a teaching assistant for International Conflict Resolution, Dispute System Design, and Mediation Theory. Swiderski plans on enrolling in a PhD program in the near future.